czwartek, 26 lipca 2018

Italy: Sistine Chapel of North and Leonardo da Vinci. Milano- San Maurizio al Monastero Maggiore

San Maurizio Al Monastero Maggiore, from the outside, is not a seemingly repaired building. Founded in 1503, as a female monastery with a strict clause In the middle, you can quickly see why the building was called the Sistine Chapel of the North. Here, however, different parts to the Sistine Chapel can be photographed. The church was part of a female monastery. It is divided into two parts. The first part with the altar is a place where everyone could pray, and here was the priest who celebrated the masses. The nuns themselves did not have contact with people; they were behind the wall, and the tiny iron window next to the altar served them to receive communion from the priest the communion.Around this window, there are pictures of women with palm branches. They are images of Catholic saints. Women holding palm trees is a symbolic reference to recent events in the life of Jesus, Palm Sunday, and the Resurrection, which in turn symbolises communion.


Contemporary people, unfortunately, have less fun in acroostic and symbolic riddles, which everyone would understand  in those times when bulding was done. On the side is a fresco depicting the reception of a young noblewoman to the convent. Unfortunately, the truth was rather sadder than the performance, families gave their daughters to the female strict clause of monasteries, because they were paid for it. And the money was quite large, the problem of dowry and looking for a husband disappeared,expecial if you had several daughters. Sad truth about this life. Of course, some of the ladies also went there voluntarily, some lived but did not accept weddings, they were mostly sponsors of monastery. It was, however, a rarity... Today, we can also enter  to the second part of the monastery.

Fresco mostly made there Leonardo da Vinci school, it is unknown whether Leonardo himself was also able to apply a brush to them. It is definitely worth paying attention to The Last Supper located here, it is almost identical to the most famous original Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci, but this one is definitely less damaged, indeed, the master's hand is also visible here. Not sure why less appreciated. It is worth remembering that Leonardo came from Milan, here he met Cesare Borgia and started engineering work for him. Earlier, he mainly dealt with painting. A very valuable fresco is also the presentation of the last meeting of Jesus with Mary Magdalene, who begs him to stay on the ground. Jesus answered her then '' Do not stop me '', that's why this type of performance is called from Latin 'Noli me tangere ''. This meeting may also prove that legends not to the end are  a lies.

From the monastery side, nuns. presented a biblical history from the old testmanent to the new one. Beautiful orginal stalls and organs appear there. Bergamini Chapel was made to commemorate Cecilia Gallerani, the famous Woman with an Ermine, Ludovico il Moro's longtime lover. Frescoes in the church were performed by, among others, Bergognone, Zenale, Bramantino (the most talented student of Leonardo). One of the chapels is a foundation of the famous family Bentivoglio.

poniedziałek, 9 lipca 2018

Vienna : Habsburg Imperial Burial Crypt - Kapuzinergruft.The most beautiful funeral ceremony,the most beautiful buried place and the most powerful people in European history

Kapuzinergruft is the place of the history of one of the most powerful European empires.This tiny church at the back of the Staatsoper is the greatest memento of the most powerful family of Europe - the Habsburgs. The resting place of the most powerful people in Europe. Undoubtedly the most important dynasty of Europe, giving away cards for centuries. Everyone is here. And their traditional ceremony of coming to the crypt, reminds everyone that in the face of death we are the same.
One of the court's representatives knocks three times at the the door of the church.
Inside is the monk , his voice
-Who knocks at the door?
-Your emperor, Prince of Austria , Prince of Hungary, Bohemia , Lombardia ,Venecia , Dalmacia y Croatia, Slovenia, Galicia, Lodomeria, Liria .Knight of Order of the Golden Fleece. General inspector of infantry archduke Rudolf Habsburg.
- We don't know him.
The court representative knocks again, three times at the door.
-Who knocks at the door?
-Archduke Rudolf Habsburg.
- We dont know him.

The court representative knocks again, three times at the door.
-Who knocks at the door?
-Rudolf, poor mortal sinner.
-He can come.
This is most famous example of funeral ceremony of man who probably if 
probably if he survived, he would have saved the empire. This is how the family funeral ceremony looks like today.

This is how the funeral of a member of the Habsburg family always looked like, it still looks like this (of course, depending on the rank, other titles appear). This scene was probably best presented by the Austrian film with the well-known actors Klaus Maria Brandauer and Max von Thun (the count closely associated with the family von Habsburg).

The last time Kapuzinerguft was used for the funeral was in 2011 for Otto von Habsburg, one of the founders of the European Union. Last empress , the wife of last emperor Charles I, Zyta Burdo di Parma was buried here in 1989.Zyta returned to Austria after her death, because she did not agree to resign from empress title.
Both unhappy couple of the end of the history of the most powerful family in Europe were beatified.Until the end of her days Zyta  claimed that it was the Emperor Francis Joseph himself who ordered to murder his son, for too liberal views. Many tried to make a crazy woman out of her, but it could be a grain of truth. Maybe not necessarily the emperor himself, but someone from the court.

By the end, like the famous wife of Francis Joseph-Sissi, she thought that if Austria had other emperor not Franz Joseph  who did not want any reforms, the empire would survive. We can not say today whether anyone really helped in the death of Archduke Rudolf and his mistress Maria Vetsera in Mayerling, but it is true that if any of these fossilized people would carry out reforms and would not live in the myth of the power of absolute power, which would go into oblivion, there was a good chance of surviving the Austro-Hungarian Empire.Unfortunately this man, he did not want to reform anything. He believed in the myth all the time, and protests began to appear. He believed that the word ''Habsburg'' makes the existence of the state immortal, and Francis Joseph would express any desire to reform.Unfortunately, this famous emperor had his evil side of an exceptionally stubborn man who was afraid of all news, as he called it '' devilish inventions ''. It was thanks to his decisions that in Arsenal, which was the seat of the army, were built any toilets , because he said that it wasn't needed. It was aded after many years , when at last he changed his mind. As the only one, he forbade the construction of the toilet in his apartments in Hofburg. It shows what kind of man he was.Kapuzinergruft.Since the Habsburg dynasty became the masters of Europe (medieval dynasty rulers are in the cathedral of St. Stephansdom ,but they were only the masters of Austria).Everyone rest in peace here.Maria Teresa, her huge sarcophagus of silver and gold takes up a room of 25 m.It's a masterpiece of art (silver and golden statues on the coffin in delicate  move of baroque art), moreover, like many others. Maria Teresa- mother of Joseph II and the last queen of France. Joseph II: modernizer,one of 1st absolute ruler, reformer,also was her son. The first woman who ruled a powerful country and not afraid of the very opposite men.Only Franz Ferdynand is missing, here again the true figure of Franz Joseph appears, the emperor forbade the burial, the heir to the throne for a wedding with the countess of a lower order.The man whose murder led to the I World War rests in the Czech Republic in the Konopiste castle. In Austria, we can see the legendary car in which the family rode during the shootings.
According to legend: cursed. Indeed every owner of it, in the best case, perished in the tree, and there were many willing to possess it, all had bad end, so car at last ended in museum. Car is in Arsenal - War Museum on the opposite site of Belvedere. In the last room, the most famous family members rests; Empress Sissi, Franz Joseph and their son Rudolf, there are always flowers and the flag of Austria. Everyone rests here, they were all introduced here as mortal sinners. That's how the ceremony broke, otherwise they could not cross the gate to the family Crypt in the Capuchins church which is part of their monastery. A place rarely visited, by tourism from other countries, it is the most important monument of Austrian history,one of most important monument in our history, a monument of people who created our world by ages. Inside the crypt you can not photograph. Austria may be a republic, but Austrians know  thanks who  they existed and was most important country of the worls by ages .There are ordinary mortal sinners , so extraordinary.
Imperial funeral carriage last time gone from Schonbrunn on 2011 for Otto von Habsburg - Otto von Habsburg official ceremory of incomming to crypt . It's beautiful, isn't it? Imperial burial crypt inside
Both movies are of other authors , from official pages

International site about the place: (mostly in german)

niedziela, 8 lipca 2018

Suleyman Magnificent and forgotten sultan's residence - A Nameless Place Vienna


The mysterious death of Joseph I, the eminent promising emperor, made a defiant application of a taboo on one  saying '' Soli, soli, soli'' ... or perhaps it was a curse of a place which he loved so much and wanted to bring back to life. Places that to this day are still on the maps of Vienna, but the Viennese people themselves do not mention it as a residence of the Habsburgs. Everyone  knows that Habsburg residences are Schobrunn, Hofburg and some of used even today's private residence in which the Albertina museum is also located. But about that place not a lot people heard. In Vienna its still a subject of taboo, coursed place.It had no name for many years. A mysterious great  mansion - the name of which can be translated as the: ''New Building'' - ''Neugebaude''. A mysterious gift that nobody wanted and which was never really needed.A place that for centuries did not even have a name.Hardly anyone knows,everything was done to erase them. It's a thorn in sb's side.

Scared Maximilian II, decides to build the largest residence near the tent of the most powerful ruler of that time, this is the tent of Suleyman Magnificent, he is there. Is 1529 and we are on time of Siege of Vienna (1st Vienna battle).This will be won by the Turks, but the Suleyman himself will give up entering the city. He must come back due family reasons.Though Europe by ages facts were presented differently. But now truth can be say. the Turks were definitely a stronger army, and were it not thaw and family conflict, Vienna would have been conquest but in fact Suleyman never think about that. He just want show his power and Maximilian's place. He little forgotten that. Maksymilian is scared , has reasons to be afraid of and he knows perfectly well why Suleyman is here. .To calm the sultan , he build a gift. A great residence ,a copy of the Topkapy palace. He builds it as much as he knows from premises that Topkapy looks like. Suleyman, however, will never live here.
Suleyman does not come back, here as well. Great sultan wated just recall that this man has not right to interfere in matters to Hungarian.Maximilian organizes then a residence for himself, but everything is going wrong. Crazy idea, but there is a method in every madness.

This greatest complex of Europe, where were stands beautiful fountains (now all transferred to Schonbrunn),flowerbeds, Ottoman mosque towers, orangery, mini-zoo, with the first Europe a black panther , elephant, lions and a giraffe.Stadium for ball games, rich marble decorations.His son- Rudolf II uses this place for his alchemists to work. Here they thinked how to get magical gold,  after the place is forgotten.  People talk about different evoked monsters existed there.Maybe some still existed when residence was left, even if they were just exotic animals.  Place back to history durning life of Joseph I. He is falling in love on that place, warnings do not help, he decided about reconstruction of great complex.
But Joseph has an enemy, a viper, who is steadfastly cheered for his adoration by the people, That person is his own brother, there is also one man, who lost his soul.The Turkish emissary arrives unexpectedly, Joseph according to legend, receives a letter that makes no sense: soli , soli, soli ad pomum venimus auream.'' It' s a word game from Latin, depending on the grammatical case used, each ''soli'' means something different.
 Joseph will die infected by a letter in which smallpox was sent.The beginning of the sentence was used by the King of the Sun - Luis XIV, it was supposed to fall into suspicion, but it's latin all depends on the declension of the word ''Soli.'' We came to the golden apple (defining the capital of Vienna because of the huge royal apple on the top of Stefan's cathedral) to the one lonely  [human ]on earth''.
Death same as Mehmed, son of Syleyman and the famous Hurrem, who was foretold as the heir to the throne. There we know the perpetrator, it is Mahidevran, the first concubine of Suleyman, a baskandin, which the Suleyman abandons to marry doughter of orthodox priest- famous Roxolane aka Hurrem or Alessandra la Rossa. This is a precedent in the entire history of the Middle East, no one has ever disbanded the harem before and never married a woman from the harem. She is no longer a slave, she is equal. No one will do it again. Suleyman will do something more, she will be the only crowned queen woman in the history of the Middle East, for 10 years will be his regent when he will fight in the war.
One of many Neugebaude fountains moved to Schonbrunn

Joseph is dying.This is the same situation that happens 200 years later, but the method of the Byzantine-Ottoman mansion .Poisoned letter, book- is need just open and touch. Welcome to that part of world. Perhaps there was also a hand of Eugene de Savoy the same man who will fight with the Turks in the II Siege of  Vienna.In that time he is on other site... politic. He may be the most-beloved soldier, but at the same time he wants to unite Italy, and that's starting to happen, thanks to his family in Turin as well thanks his myth.He has one more reason,Rumors ''circulate, ''apparently an event occurred during one of the balls...Eugene is an unhappily in love homosexual, probably used by Joseph. As women will ''manage ''by the time with rape due strong psychic, men can't survive it.

Bower parts from Neugebaude now in Schonbrunn zoo
Maria Theresa like a maniac moves everything to Schonbrunn. Fact she has problems these days, a woman on the throne is not welcome, but a fast rearing of neighbors. However, the savings do not forbid her to spend millions on a Chinese lounge.Maybe with savings, maybe to hide her father's mistakes.70 % of Schonbrunn it 's in fact Neugebaude.So how beautiful and big it must have been if still exist in not so bad condition for the castle ruins to this day.
Bower parts from Neugebauge moved to Schonbrunn zoo




Today, historians say that if bulding had not been stripped down for centuries, it was not transformed into a powder magazine, which led to a fire, and in the end change that place at crematory which was the being of the largest cemetery in Vienna, on the opposite site of street. Cemetery on which rest the most famous artists of the world ex. the Strauss family. Neugebaude would be a mansion more beautiful than Schonbrunn. A place that did not even have a name, a place inhabited by ghosts of people who died during the battle, until the end of the 1940s, people avoided this place, afraid of the ghost. It's the most terrible thorn in sb's side. Austria maybe is republic, but people here are
traditionalists. They still love Habsburg family, of course there's many reasons for that. It can't be say. They builded our part of world. These are the Habsburgs, and they still exist in glory.After all, these brave Habsburgs would build a gift for Osman, why not. In fact, in those days only these two families were worthy of themselves, in fact only these two families ruled our world. They were worthy opponents, as  Scipio had said after Hannibal's death: ''it was an honor to have such an enemy. ''Soli , soli, soli...'' in Vienna, it is better not to use this saying as well in Istanbul, reaction will be one, never spell it.There are plans to renovate Neugebaude, but as it happens again, there are obstacles. The place can be visited with a guide, during several festivals. You can also organize your own wedding here, but that chosen mostly rich foreigners, not people from Vienna. A lonely man and a lonely place ... A curse. Who knows?...

International site about the place (no just german)