niedziela, 12 grudnia 2021

Poland: the greatest castle of the country which soon will dissapear

This willow with a white branch is still regarded by many as sitting witches

 In 1420, the bishop of Krakow, Wojciech Jastrzebiec, fell into conflict with King Ladislaus Jagiello( Jogaila) and the Teutonic Order. During the negotiations after the war with the Order and the Battle of Grunwald, he committed a number of irregularities to the detriment of the country. He was probably a spy paid by the order. owever, because not everything went as order planned, they were dissatisfied with the collaboration as well.

Fearing for his fate, he decided to build a fortress. These amazing ruins, left to fate, cost 8 tonnes of silver, which was a huge sum at that time. It was also one of the biggest castles in Poland and throughout Europe. a typical gothic castle on an island surrounded by a moat created by the Riglewka Creek's waters.
The original castle was made up of two parallel, three-story residential buildings surrounded by defensive walls measuring 21 x 25 m.An entrance gate led to the narrow, paved courtyard created by them. There was a polygonal turret in the corner. The castle in this form was a characteristic example of a knight's seat from the first half of the 15th century. In the second half of the same century, it was surrounded by the outer perimeter of low walls (38 x 41 m), creating a zwinger approximately 7 metres wide. A new foregate was also erected. A three-story, four-sided tower decorated with blendes was built on its walls at the beginning of the 16th century, and a foregate reinforced with buttresses was built in front of it.In the north-eastern part of the zwinger, a new building was erected, probably a storehouse, partially protruding beyond the line of the outer wall. At the beginning of the 17th century, two residential buildings were connected with a narrow wing, thus reducing the area of the courtyard.

Mysterious, forgotten, magnificent castle

The later owners of the castle were the Szczawinski family. According to legend, the daughter of Jan Szczawinski did not want to marry the husband chosen by her parents. For disobedience, she was taken to the castle and imprisoned in the gatehouse. It is said that her ghost has been wandering around the area to this day. She was imprisoned in the gatehouse after she tried to escape from the nearby Besiekiery. Here she ended her life. The castle, which was destroyed during the wars with the Swedes, was still listed as a "national antiquity" in the nineteenth century. We can say that it already existed on the list of monuments, but at that point, the story ended. Unfortunately, over time, people began to break down bricks. The place is supposedly privately owned, but the bricks continue to disappear, and nobody really cares about the castle, although it could revive a place forgotten by the world. A ghost would certainly help bring this place to life.
Although the place is on the list of monuments, it is separated by a barbed-wire wall and, in fact, only visible in GPS, which is worse than the traditional information. There are no road signs to the town and the castle. 
After all, "it is a strategic form of defence of the country" in some parts of the world.
Terrible roads and no signs. This, which is successful in other countries, even on a single abandoned wall, will never be possible here because of the traditional attitude of not seeing the potential of a place and hatred of tourists. After all, that creature walks, asks questions, and, God forbid, speaks in another language. Better to let the people of the village live on welfare than to commit civilization, with the owners of the castle at the start who could earn the money if he just wanted to, aside from the fact that you can now get money for the rescue of such facilities from domestic and foreign institutions.Somehow, the wall around one of the houses is made of old bricks. A powerful and, without a doubt, the most expensive fortress in Poland will soon disappear. Besides,castle  is the district of the city of Kolo(english  "wheel''), which is famous throughout the country for its traditions. From a tradition of carelessness and specific mentality. If something breaks, there is no point in fixing it, maybe it will return to its place on its own. 
''Remember when you are driving through the wheel not to break the wheel ''.

a drawning of the castle from the  time when some was still remembered about it

piątek, 10 grudnia 2021

Poland: medieval castle and the vikings



These are the ruins of a knight's castle built by the voivode of Leczyca, though in some stories we can read that the castle was built by order of Casimir III the Great. In the Middle Ages, the tiny town of Leczyca was one of the most important and largest cities in Poland, but fate, as it often does in history, has turned the tables.It was a fortress on the border with the territories of the Teutonic Order state, so it cannot be ruled out.It was in fact built by royal order. It is no secret that in the Middle Ages, the Teutonic Order dominated these areas and did whatever it wanted, often invading Russia, Poland, and even Sweden. The castle was originally owned by the Sokolowski family of the Pomian coat of arms. The stronghold's enigmatic name is linked to a legend about a voivode and a demon, both of whom are still present in castle Leczyca. According to the legend, the knight  made a bet with the devil Boruta that he would build a castle from scratch without using an'' ax''.  He did so, but he was unaware that one of the builders on whose behalf he was working was known as "Siekierka"—a diminutive of the word for "ax." The knight lost the castle and his soul, and that's why the castle and the adjoining village were named ''Besiekiery'''It simply means "without an ax" in old polish. Another theory refers to one of the terms, demon bias.

the fact that the tower with the window stands is a miracle, because it is 18 meters high and is not secured

 Archaeological excavations in 1963 and 71,  confirmed a completely different legend about the origin of the name of the place. The truth is that in the Middle Ages, Vikings were stationed here, which is confirmed by a mound discovered in nearby Lutomersk. The town probably owes its name to the Berserkers, extraordinary warriors who, after taking intoxicants, fought in bear skins. From the beginning, the castle was unlucky. For some time, it was the residence of the son of Istvan Batory, I-Andras, who was the nephew of the Polish king Istvan Batory. After the tragic death of the cardinal, Sophie Bathory moved here with her husband, Gyorgy Rakoczy. It is a joke that the man who took part in the first attempted partition of Poland under John Casimir II Waza had to settle in that country. The next owner of the castle, Szymon Szczawinski made the biggest reconstruction of the building. In 1731 there was a fire, as a result of which the castle was rebuilt and the walls were plastered, giving it the character of a baroque residence. The remnants of this reconstruction can be seen to this day in the disfigured plaster. Certainly it was no longer the baroque era, but this one did not really exist here and  took the form of a distorted baroque called: ''sarmatian style'', classicism arrived with a delay and did not replace the baroque for good. In the nineteenth century, it fell into disrepair and became a free building material for the surrounding houses. The castle is associated with the old legend of the ghost called, of course'' White Lady'' like 90% of ghosts in Poland. It is possible to see her in the empty window  of the gate tower, suddenly disappearing as she appears wading in the ruins. 

It is believed that the White Lady is the spirit of Szczawinski's daughter, who did not want to marry the candidate chosen by her parents, because she gave her heart to another man, a very poor man. As punishment, she was taken first to Besiekiery and later to the castle in Boryslawice Zamkowe, the biggest castle ruins in Poland, and imprisoned in the gatehouse. She tried to escape through the window, but it ended tragically, and later she was moved to the greatest stronghold, where she died.
The tower with the window is still standing despite the laws of physics because it is 18 meters high and still unlocked.Maybe a ghost or demon really protects it. The castle is currently privately owned, and its natural location on the island has been restored by cleaning the river flowing around it. Unfortunately, due to COVID, the owner was forced to close the facility, and the state is not interested in the monument. It does exist on the GPS map, but it is worse with road signs. For example, knight tournaments that attracted tourists were held here. The plans were to further strengthen the walls and create a museum. It is sad that the castle with such an interesting history will disappear, because it will disappear if the country doesn't inform people about the place, and the place must be closed

środa, 16 czerwca 2021

Poland, Konin: The Frederic Chopin park and mini-zoo. The story of interesting place changed into the ruin


Despite the conditions Przewalski's horses still exist here and even reproduce. Interesting when someome will discover that this fences aren't suitable for animal protection and take care of throwing bread and other moldy debrids. And the cribs indeed, but even durning pandemy for some dirty mean nobility. 

The park named after Frederic Chopin in Konin was established in 1825 as municipal parks in the plan of an English garden with a forest connection. It was a place where until   the middle of the 20th century, residents had to show up on a Sunday walk on Sundays. A beautiful wooden arbour was the decoration of the park, and there was a bridge and places to rest on the lake located in the complex. There was also an old wooden amifitear in secession style and later a  mini-zoo, peacocks were walking slowly around the facility.In 1974, the mimi zoo was established and has now lost its zoo rights,but as it happens in such cases the animals remain. Contrary to what you can read on the website of the park to be honest site of city hall but not a park , the european bisons never reached there, but spend few weeks durning their journey, as well The milu deer in fact sika was the most unfortunate animal that would throw hisself over the fence, remaining alone for the rest of its life, because the reproductive plans were discontinued. 

Beautiful golden pheasants is difficult to find

The greatest pride was the facility's participation in the reintroduction of Przewalski's horses, which are still here today and, surprisingly, reproduce in spite of everything. Old types of creasted hens are also interesting, but unfortunately, because the breeds live together, they cross. These are rare breeds that are no longer bred because they hate so many eggs, although they look amazing. Exist here as well  goose swan, a very rare bird that also breeds here. 

Dirty feeders are coccidia, and a lot of coccidia mean death, but does anyone upstairs even heard that word. 


 Perhaps some of the officials mistook the bison with the yak, well they both have horns, considering who is in charge of it. This is where the old, age-old problem of post-comustic countries which  apart from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Russia and Romania which slowly joining to this small  group, are completely unable to break loose and earn money on what they have. The animals suddenly live in ruins and although a new gate to the park has been built, with beautiful cast figures of deer in the rut, the beauty is ending on that, funny thing- there's no longer any deer. What is currently happening in the objects? Not much, but for shure shouldn't  look what it looks like .Unfortunately, the animal crofts haven't been properly renovated since the 1980s. This is realy possible to see and is dangerous as well for animals, not that much for people who just clean their refrigerators by chewing the food over the fence.Despite the signs, the prohibition of feeding is a standard. 

Ostriches still are but...

Unfortunately, animals often get sick after this abundant bread diet, because many Homo sapiens do not understand that the road from grain to bread is very long. Croft and animal houses just need to be changed for the good of animals and  the people.It is also necessary to eliminate too easy access to animals from the other side at least by adding a second fence. Renovations consist of patching holes with boards, and the animal booths, although still painted, are a sign of the times. The bridge over the pond has also disappeared and the area has been fenced. The bridge, like the wooden amphitheater, was burned down,  after the park ranger lost his job in order to save money various bums bagin exist here by the whole days and nights. 

Emu lost his parther in the mysterious way, but when we look at the fence.

 A beautiful wooden amphitheater dissapeared but we have concrete  reprehensible construction was placed, decorated with awful  graffiti. The feeders are dirty and the wooden ones are harmful because of the splinters and of course  not hygienic, because isn't possible to wash it especially in warm days so much loved by every bacterias. Another problem is the lack of directions signs, so people don't know that behind an old collapsing building and a squeezed gate, you can see birds and ponies. Although the objects  is reported to a security company, from time to time you can read that the homeless stole an emu and ate it. 

Owner of fallow deer's harem is as well white buck, thanks that many calf are white. Still no one see that is possible to changed that place in something great thanks animals ''sentenced ''to this place.

Of course is possible that someone do it for fun, but it doesn't change that someone stole and later bones was found. It is not difficult, because the padlocks are from the site where people walks, every human can touch it.  Chain and delicate padlock, begs for a youngster who wants to impress or a drunk idiot to cut it.A pair of roe mysteriously disappeared and it is still unknown how the milu deer died.At last  the fallow deer who were bitten by dogs that same year. A year later, four peacocks, a falcon and a buzzard were stolen from the Mini-Zoo!Over time, people became afraid to go to the park because of theft. The biggest problem is as well that place haven't toiletes but of course is many trees and brushes. 

The mini-zoo has increible collection of breds of crested hens, but because all of them exist in one aviary bird mix each other. All are very old breeds from the baroque age

This is due to the fact that there are no people employed to feed animals on a permanent basis, and this is mainly done by people who work off debts to the city, and in fact only one gentleman found himself in it, but he himself cannot do it for everyone. Boxes just need to be changed for the benefit of animals and people. At the beginning of the 90s, the park was restored by Longin Majdecki. An outstanding nature architect who was involved in the restoration of the royal gardens in Warsaw, gardens and parks near famous palaces and several gardens  in Germany. While the facility looks beautiful on the Town Hall website, the beauty ends at the gate and the animal aviaries aren't huge at all. Despite this, Przewalski's fallow deer and horses persist.It will be good if smeone responsibility for that will  go to any zoo even in Poland - other than that  one in Poznań, where the animals run away from it  and discover  that something is wrong and object needs change. A minimum entrance fee would certainly improve things, although there are subsidies for renovation of this objects. Of course animals won't tell that their have miserable life so problem gone. The best example here is Toruń, where the rulers have really managed to make a beautiful well-kept mini-zoo nad bothanical garden in the old forgoten park. 

Endangered swan goose exist here and like Przewalski's decided to reproduce, but unfortunetly thanks feeding by the fence , often are ill. 

The facility is a perfect example of what happens when irresponsible people start managing something they have no idea how to do it. It's no secret that in post-comunist countries, apart from the Czech Republic, there is still a form of old party system and, what is worse, family connections. Contrary to appearances, the people of the old system didn't leave, but at most they moved, and in smaller towns and some suddenly became right-wing. The greatest damage as well done the system of points from orgin. Thanks which  people from the worst lowlands earning extra points at university for their origins and practically almost thanks it end study and always getting a job without much effort. Well, a person cut off from the plow can be dressed and educated, but he will still proudly boast that the best physiological matters are done behind the barn, and reproduction on hay. These people will never have the perspective of managing anything, and they can be meet as the directors from parks to schools. 

Leucistic ducks are as well something very rare, that genetic sick isn't so popular in the birds world. 

Only the Czechs discovered the prosperity of capitalism, and the Russians with China found a kind of golden mean, but they all assumed at least partially that tourism is good business. What about the park in Konin which could ge good touristic atraction.  First of all, it's hard to even say who is taking care of the object today, because different institutions are displayed when we write  this term into the search engine, of course, it's good for breaking responsibility. 

Lonley yak is the biggest atraction, although he'd be more happy with the partner and with better crib. Guy often dissapears because of gifts throwing by the people. 

There is a parking, but what if cars are kept there mainly by a company that has its own. The locals complain about the lack of tourists and the city's decline, rampant unemployment, but how can they attract others to the city if they don't advertise their monuments. Even the county museum has a bad side. The park has none. Famous parish church as well hasn''t advert, old synagouge which could be great place for gallery closed, 1st road sign in the Europe which was afore statue of slavic god has just short  blackboard with inform.It seems that only the nearby Lichen with the tallest copy of St. Peter's Basilica understood that advertising in another language is as well great advert. And Chopin,man  famous for his pedantic,  probably turns in his grave, knowing that the object named after him looks like this. 

This pony has amazing colours of coat. Really it's very rare to find roan horse like that. 

This is not about liquidating the mini-zoo it'll be stupidy because  the nearest zoo's are 100 km. This is theasiest way, although it means always the death of the animals, This note is scream for restoring it to a state of normality. Maybe it won't be XXI age, but even end of XX will good.Then it could be a meeting and recreation place again, and people and animals felt safe.There is money for it, only jungle buddies would get less for themselves.  

One more kick and fence will fly and then..Toruń thinks in other way. 

International site about place: any site of the place
How to get there: towards the river Warta, along Tadeusz Kościuszko st, opposite to Koninpex.

London: The Wallace Collection- amazing museum which dissapeared from the guides


`The swing`` is most famous rococo painting and symbol of age and fall of french dynasty. The seemingly innocent picture shows a woman on a swing. However, when someone learns the story of three people, things are different. Everybody is happy. The lover who is in fact bishop  pushes women towards the hidden in the bushes husband,  who doesn`t see nothing bad in that, but really looks with pleasure on pair, all for profit. 

The Wallace Collection is one of my favorite museums in London. In the past, it was a must-see during the Grand Tour, and the place was visited by crown heads and princes. Franz Ferdinand was here shortly before he died. This museum has some of the most famous works of art in its collection, including the legendary ''The Swing'', a symbol of Rococo and the fall of the French monarchy. This place is a temple for those who are interested in the time of Louis XV, because it is here that we can find the most mementos of the king and Madame de Pompadour. The museum building was commissioned by the 2nd Marquess of Hertford. In 1870, the property was taken over by Richard Wallace, the illegitimate son of Richard Seymour-Conway, 4th Marquess of Hertford, and Agnes Jackson. He was never officially recognized by his father, but that did not prevent him from inheriting his art collection in 1871. The object got its name from him; he bought the Herftod residence from his cousin, who became the 5th Marquis. Richard Wallace grew up mainly in Paris and died there too. He used to bring masterpieces of French art to his residence with passion.  

   During the siege of Paris by the Prussian army and the actions of the Paris Commune, Wallace organized help for the victims of the fighting. Thanks to these activities, he obtained nobility and the title of baronet in 1871. Not long before that, he married his longtime lover, Julia Castlenau (1819-1897) with whom he already had a 30-year-old illegitimate son, Edmond Richard. In 1872, Sir Richard moved to London. He brought with him part of his collection, which, on display at the Bethnal, Green Museum, aroused considerable interest. He also collected many works of art, mainly miniatures and gold ornaments, as well as a collection of European weapons and Renaissance copies of decorative art. Unlike my father, who loved 18th-century French painting, After the death of his son in 1887, Sir Richard returned to Paris, where he died three years later. He was buried in the Père-Lachaise cemetery. He handed over the property to his wife. After her death in 1897, Lady Wallace's secretary, Sir John Murray Scott, placed the collection at Hertford House, thus creating the famous Wallace Collection.  Between 1897 and 1900, the former private residence was converted into a public museum.  On the 1st floor, galleries replaced the stabling, coachhouses, smoking room, and some private rooms. Interior changed. We find here the masterpieces of art by Gainsborough, Canaletto, Reynolds, Oudry, Rembrandt, Velazquez, and the first behaviorist and animal painter, Landseer, known from all books on art. A huge collection of porcelain and one of the largest collections of weapons in Europe, including those from India and the Golden Porta.


Is it here that the furniture belonging to ''Roi du Soleil'' , Louis XV, and Madamme de Pompadour survived, which would have been lost during the French Revolution and the Spring of Nations. The paintings The Laughing Cavalier and Francesca da Rimini, more famous in the world than the authors Perseus and Andromeda (Titian), are kept here. The mistress of Cesare Borgia and the mother of his beloved son, Girolamo Fiametta, appear in the paintings, most likely posing again. There is  very good restaurant in the bulding.          

International site about the place: