sobota, 26 sierpnia 2017

Poland: the cursed castle with two ghost and amazing wooden church


Two forgotten monuments can be found in Wyszyna, a forgotten village near Konin about 100 kilometres from Poznan. The first is a beautifully preserved wooden church made of larch wood. The outside structure reminds me of the fantastic Moomins house. The church comes from the baroque period, which in Poland created a different style called ''sarmatian style''. It has nothing to do with the famous ancient nation, despite the fact that the people of the time claimed to be descended from them. In fact, they weren't.



Inside in the altar is a precious painting of the Virgin Mary with the Child from the XVII century, below which is the beautiful inscription "Ego Dormio, sed ma meum vigilat,"  "I am sleeping, but my heart is watching''This is a wonderful quote, referring both to parenthood, and the role of God. It can also be read, "Remember, do not sin, I always see''. The painting is famous for several healings and miracles. We should also look at  the richly decorated ceiling, organ, and sculpture. Wooden churches from that era are extremely rare monuments; most of them have vanished as a result of age, fires, and destruction.We should also look at the richly decorated ceiling, organ, and sculpture.
In a small chapel, we can see copies of the famous painting of the Holy Family by Kalisz. Poland's oldest city, known even to ancient Romans This is a famous painting of the Holy Family in Poland and is considered a unique painting of its kind. As in the original painting, the characters are covered in richly decorated dresses. 


  Not far from the church, we find the ruins of the castle. Grodziecki of Arms Dryja built a Renaissance castle. Although they are only ruins, their setting over a small lake is breathtaking, especially in the summer or winter. Lake Topiec was formed by damming the river Topiec.Feral fruit trees: remember that there was a garden here. All of this makes the scenery in the photos extremely vivid, creating a mood that ranges from romantic to terrifying. That place has a hidden story like that.

According to legend, the haunted ghost in the castle is the owner's daughter, who was murdered there. According to local legend, the daughter of the castle owner was accidentally shot during a feast in honour of the royal guest, Stephan Bathory (also the uncle of famous Elisabeth Bathory), and has since been wandering around the nearby forest, scorching local residents. 


Another descendant of the family was supposed to jump from the tower into the pond because of the loss of her beloved man. That woman was the last representative of the family Grodziecki, she married one very rich  nobleman, but love another one. We read in old book: "In love with a poor young man imprisoned by his rival, she agreed to give her hand and property to a hateful man in exchange for his beloved's life and freedom." However, the jealous husband, killed the young man, and made an armchair  from the skin of the young man.

He told his young wife to sit in this armchair and that he would "return her to the lover."

The young lady's heart could not accept it, and she descended from the Bastille to the pond that surrounded the castle.Since that time, her ghost has also begun to walk in the forest . Place by the time it was described as cursed.Some claim that you can still meet a ghost here, and by the way, this place has a lot of bad luck.
Stefan Batory, King of Poland and uncle of famous Ersabet Bathory, paid a visit to the castle.There was also Edward Raczynski, Poland's exiled president.The castle has been ruined since the 18th century.
The castle is in private, and according to the announcement, it is in danger of collapsing. Here also, someone has no idea that this place could revive a dead village thanks to tourism, and the owner will also bring in a good income.What in a normal country would bring this place to life will never be possible here. For the simple reason that people still don't understand that tourism can bring money. Better to work as a slave for a neighboring country.Perfect scenery for a movie.


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