poniedziałek, 22 kwietnia 2019

Turin; royal residences: Palazzo Madama ,Carignano and il Duomo Torino rest place of the Holy Shroud- Risorgimento part II

Palazzo Madama ''Triumph of virtue of Madame Reale''

Palazzo Madama is building in a different style. Above all, Juvarra did not have much opportunity to prove himself because the building already existed and the old castle had to be rebuilt into a palace. Actually, he built a part. The castle belonged to the de Medici family, and here the queen of France, Maria de Medici, began her trip to France,  where she became queen. We are talking about de Medici, descended from Lorenzo il Vecchio (brother of Cosimo de Medici), who unfortunately was killed in the series, although his line survived and exists to this day. Probably Cardinal Mazzarini was here many times. Then it became the residence of the bishops and was finally connected by an underground tunnel with the royal palace.

This happened after the Savoys became a royal family. Madama, with its facade, refers to the Château de Versailles, which was added during the expansion of the old castle by Juvarra. Actually, it was created for one thing: from Madama in the evening, the king could see a parade of official guests on the way to the ballroom or the royal palace. Behind the huge windows overlooking the square, there is only a staircase leading to the piano nobile. Latter bulding was a new country set of senate. Today, there is a museum of art. In addition to beautiful interiors, we find here a rich collection of porcelain from around the world, furniture, paintings, and sacred art. Unfortunately, large windows, especially in the case of strong illumination on a sunny day in the mountains, make it difficult to take good pictures. You would have to take some more equipment. 

Marie Jeanne Baptiste decided about the expansion of the palace when she became regent for her son, Victor Amadeus II. Thanks to this, she got the nickname ''Madama Reale'', and one of the most beautiful halls is called "The Triumph of Virtue of Madama Reale." In this room, the queen died.


Marie Jeanne Baptiste was often compared to the French Queen Anna of Austria. The second most beautiful room is the Four Seasons Room, whose ceiling is gilded. Marie Jeanne Baptiste came to history as a strong, powerful ruler who knew great political rules. Madama is still a public place, scientific conferences are organised here. On the ceiling, in the hall of the senate, we will see a symbolic fresco with an anchor and God, a symbolic representation of the role of power.
The old part, which is still a castle, is also perfectly preserved. Although the pediment is baroque and some of the rooms are also, the mediaeval castle extends from the back. Juvarra has not changed it and is having to give back the fact that he perfectly combined both into one whole building; this really hasn't happened often in the history of architecture. The oriental rooms, which were popular at the time, have been painted with great accuracy, including exotic animals such as parrots and turkeys, as well as flowers that appear to be real.

The museum section has rich collections of art, including paintings and especially porcelain. 
Attention is also drawn to a set of ivory sculptures depicting'' the Judgement of Solomon," created to remind the ruler that he has to rule wisely but also cunningly. Amazing baroque mirror with a porcelain frame. Frame, which was created to remind us that looking at ourselves can bring the devil, but when we look up and forget about ourselves, we'll see the angel. Both characters are in the frame. porcelain animal performances, in particular a pair of wolves protecting the young. A large collection of Chinese porcelain from the Yuan and Ming dynasties, as well as Japanese (including Bizen), Porcelain collections are represented by the most famous porcelain factories in the world. Interesting monuments are also city codes, a huge golden key to the city, and a miniature inlaid model of the solar system that moves.






Turin also stores la Sacra Sindone- the Shroud of Turin.

A one-of-a-kind discovery that researchers are still debating but have not found answers to the few questions.Science can't explain everything, which may be a good thing. The Shroud is classified as archeopoietos, the Greek term used for sacred things, which means "not by a human hand created." Whatever we can say about the Shroud, everything points to one thing. The reflection of the body actually comes from the period known today as the 1st century of the new era, although pieces of material were later made to have damaged, perforated sides. The body's reflection is made by a method unknown to us today. It is found on all parts of the thread, which indicates that this person has passed through the material. The composition of the blood of this man contains minerals that are not present on the ground but exist, for example, in meteorites. Of course, it can be mocked; however, all scientific books, both supportive and critical of the Shroud, have the same inexplicable problem. Simply put, they can't explain that. The Shroud is in a special chapel that was connected with the passage of the royal palace.
On a special balcony above Sindone, a king sat on the throne. Today, the shroud is covered with protective material behind the glass and is only shown on the occasion of important holidays. In the picture of the face, everyone can read different things. Sometimes he smiles, other times he is a tormented man. Probably everyone has different feelings.  However, I got the impression that he' was a very sad and resigned man. as if he knew that his sacrifice was in vain. Everyone will see what he wants. An interesting effect is reflected in the glass of the chapel with the cross. If someone wants to see another archeopoietos, that can be admired all the time, they must go to Manopello. There is a shroud over the face.

(If someone in your life has witnessed a burial in the Middle East, he is aware that the body is covered multiple times.) It is displayed at the church's altar and is visible at all times. It shows the same properties as the Shroud of Turin: blood, way of copying, scars in the same places as on the shroud, and everybody sees something different as well. It seems only Martin Luther did not see anything, maybe because he was a Freemason.


Our Lady of the Snow in il Duomo

In Turin Duomo, the Cattedrale della Sacra Sindone, or if you want the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, pay attention to the Longinus chapel located on the opposite side of the chapel with the Shroud. Longinus is the man who, in fact, made Christianity. He was a centurion and a blind man. Death on the cross is very long, in fact, and took days or weeks. Jesus died on Friday, in the Middle East. For both Jews and Muslims, that day is Saint. Friday is the beginning of shabas.
During these three days, you can not bury the dead. Actually, you can't do anything, but as the old saying says, '' If you see a drowning man during shabas, you will pass by indifferently, or will you help him? God would like you much more for that second thing''.

Joseph of Arimathea and Mary therefore asked the centurion to finish Jesus' Passion on the cross, and he did it. Longinus did this by piercing the side of Jesus. Jesus, in fact, died on the cross, but not from crucifixion. Longinus regained his sight at that moment, but at the same time, God killed his entire family. He was to become immortal and wait to be defeated by the king, who would take revenge for that death.


God forgives, but he does not forget. The Irish added that Conor MacNessa was that king. Longinus' spear would give him the power to rule the entire world. It was allegedly owned by Constantine the Great and Charlemagne. Hitler searched for it like mad. For this purpose, he created a special branch of archaeologists. Whatever happened to Longinus, here too are his relics, so the legend is either true or not; maybe his bones are real or not. Everyone knows that if we begin connecting relics, we could have five people made of one saint.

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It is also necessary to visit Our Lady of the Snows Chapel, now known as the Chapel of Carlo Borromeo. Near the royal palace is the private royal chapel. It is also a small baroque pearl. Closely related to Christmas. It is linked to the cathedral passage where the Shroud is kept. A reference to the Shroud is one of the chapels showing the pieta. Next to it is the Shroud Museum, where we can learn more about it in addition to doing research. That place not only speaks: ''yeas ''or ''no''. It shows various trends. 

This subject and allows you to form your own opinions.
Virgin Mary of Snow is very important in Turin, although it is presented here in the form of a figure, not as icon. The legendary Salus Populi Romani is the only icons in the Latin world. According to legends, Our Lady of Snow brought snow to mark the location of the church patrician John built in her honour. By that snow Santa Madonna rescued cultivation , because this year there was a huge drought.
This church is the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, one of the four papal residences, along with the Vatican.

Salus Populi Romani ( and cassone)
the icon is characterized by joining in the gesture of both hands

 There are Holy Crib relics, and popes celebrate mass here during Christmas. I have not changed these photos either. I made them as if my deceased friend had seen her. which was discovered near a church where there was a copy of an icon of Our Lady of the Snows, and when he died, snow fell for the first time this winter and disappeared right after the funeral. Perhaps a bad light; perhaps he or she. Whose knows. The statue is now housed in the Duomo.It should be noted that most residences are still the property of the family, especially the Palazzo Reale, so not everything can be seen every day, but it is possible to meet a prince.

Palatine Gate is a remnant of the ancient Roman city walls. Although it looks like a mediaeval castle, in fact it is part of the ancient city walls. Palatine Gate is one of the best-preserved ancient Roman gateways in the world. Is located behind the Royal Palace.The surrounding area is now also used as a park. The name of the gate refers to an ancient palace. However, it is not known where it was; perhaps it's still the Palazzo Reale. The ruins of the palace from Roman times have not been discovered, but the palace must have been near the gate.

 In Palazzo Carignano, which is near the Egyptian Museum, we can discover all the history of the Risorgimento. For that museum, we need 3 hours. There are also amazing royal apartments that have been open to visitors since 2016. Here was born King Victor Emmanuel II, who moved the capital to Rome. His tomb can be found in the Pantheon. Bulding was also a member of the Subalpine Parliament's House of Deputies.


The most magnificent is the golden hall, called the ''Italian Amber Room'', because it is equally valuable. In fact, gold was used here. The term "large" does not adequately describe the size of this residence. 

International site about the place: http://www.museorisorgimentotorino.it/index.php

Is Turin worth visiting?Turin has to be seen if someone wants to get an idea of the power of absolutism and what awaited us when we decided to visit St. Petersburg.
Turin must be visited by everyone who is interested in the history of Italy. Turin is the first capital of Italy, and if someone is interested in this country, Turin is the place where we  will learn the history of this country as best as possible. Turin is also a magical city ripped out of the mountains, which makes it seem like we were in the Alps, and yet we will not freeze here from the cold. In very good light from Stupinigi, we can see the Matterhorn.


 The best hotel in Turin. As for me, from a few, in which I was an 'Orginal' hotel. It's a tiny, family-run hotel. The only complaint may be, in fact, the lack of a shower door, and only the curtain, which, as you know, causes water to pour on the floor, no matter how you use a shower. The rooms are decorated like nearby royal palaces, so you can feel like you're in a palace. The hotel does not have a restaurant, but there are plenty of restaurants nearby. The breakfasts are on site. It is away from the city center, which ensures peace, and at the same time there is a trafika, where we can buy tickets for the tram and a stop from where we get to the centre for 10 minutes. Pets are welcome in the hotel, and the airport transfer service is available. The public transportation from Turin airport to the city is quite difficult, but you can get by without knowing Italian.It did not work as it should or as described until the end.The hotel is also in the Stupinigi area, where we can even take a walk, that lasts 15 minutes and, by the way, go through the park and see the Pad River. There is also a huge shopping centre and Fiat factory, which can also be visited. It is also important that the hotel rooms are heated at night. With a large temperature difference between day and night in the Alps, this is quite important, and generally, Italians at night do not warm up, although tourists are mainly in the room just then. It's good in the southern areas, but it does not get very pleasant here. Honestly, we can freeze sometimes. By the time I learned to travel with my blanket to this area.Here, however, unlike most Italian hotels from the northern region, we will not freeze. The hotel service is very helpful, even with such nonsense as the failure of your own computer, which isn't really their problem. The taxi rank is opposite. There is one city corporation in Turin, so there are no scams in this industry. Not far away, there is a very good restaurant run by an elderly gentleman, where we will eat and feel like visiting grandparents.

International site about the place:Palazzo Madama: https://www.palazzomadamatorino.it/en
il Duomo ( italian language): http://www.duomoditorino.it/


I'm so thankful to a very nice Italian guy  who helped me get to Porta Nuova! It was nice to meet you there, it's great that still exist people like you, not everyone will want take someone and show all road, although speak by italian language after many years of not use for me is difficult,  ''Hope to meet again if not in that in another life''. 









































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