poniedziałek, 2 października 2017

Poland, First capital of the country- Gniezno

.Gniezno, most foreign tourists visit Poznan, thinking that it is the first capital of Poland. In fact, it was Gniezno in official documents, despite the fact that the manor was mostly housed in Poznań.

 For this reason, Gniezno is a little-forgotten place on the trail of foreign tourists. The Gothic cathedral of Gniezno is one of the three oldest churches in Poland, next to Wroclaw and Poznan. Here you will find the famous ''Gniezno doors'', a world-class monument. The richly decorated bronze doors tell the story of St. Wojciech, also known as Adalbert of Prague. Patron of the Czech Republic and Poland. He was murdered during the mission, partly at his request because he was a difficult man and both the Czech and Polish kings wanted to get rid of him.
Gniezno, as well as Prague, have his relics.

This is the seat of the Polish Primate, so it's possible to call the city a'' capital of the Polish Church ''.In the cathedral there is also a royal chapel with a legendary Holy Cross, founded by the first king of Poland, Boleslaus ChrobryHere, the kings of Poland prayed before going to war. According to legend, the cross was bleeding when danger came to the country.


The interior of the cathedral is a mixture of gothic style, called "polish gothic," and baroque. The Polish Gothic is definitely different from the gothic style known in the world, for instance, because of the use of material. Buildings are also smaller and have smaller windows.


In Gniezno, there is also a museum of the beginnings of the Polish state. It is an interesting collection of monuments of the Piast dynasty, but there is one problem. No one predicted that socialism would collapse and more cars would appear on the roads. You can dream about parking, which is discouraging on a busy street.

International site about the place: (any just polish)

King's chapel with famous Holy Cross

Adalbert's reliquary

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