poniedziałek, 16 października 2017

Grave of Pocahontas aka Rebecca Rolfe- famous Native American princess in Gravesend , UK


Pocahontas, an Indian princess whose name is known by everyone, mostly from fairy tales. Not many people know that this story really happened. Her name was Matoaka, she was the daughter of the paramount chief Powhatan . Durning the very strong winter she repeatedly provided food for new settlers at Jamestown , after John Smith saved, was with him in very close relationship. Perhaps a young teenager too seriously approached acquaintance with John Smith. In January 1609 she warned the settlers,against her own father, who was going to kill them. This decision decided about the princess's rest of life, she must left tribe. This decision decided as well about future of North America. In October 1609, John Smith left for England, where he set out for further adventures. Matoaka survived a nervous breakdown after being told that John Smith was injured and left her. While living in Jamestown she received baptism and met her future husband John Rolfe. Initially, they were just friends. The marriage was a more peaceful treaty rather than a relationship with great love. Then Powhatan gave the part of his  land officially to the Europeans, it was the unique peaceful handover of the land with the treaty.Then Powhatan gave the part of his  land officially to the Europeans, it was the unique peaceful handover of the land with the treaty by Native Americans .



Although many testify that John Rolfe loved his wife from the beginning. Matoaka loved him after some time. Thanks to his wife John Rolfe, established his tobacco plant -Varina Farms. He soon became a wealthy and influential man in America and England. In 1615, their son Thomas was born. In 1616 she went to England with her husband to fight for Indian rights to their own lands. She met with King James I. Outside, she was called as an "Indian princess"but in fact treated more as an exotic toy. When she and her husband settled in his residence in Norfolk, John Smith visited her. According to legend, the woman did not accept his ambiguous proposals and sent him off. Finally, she told him that in life did not meet the bigger liar than his nation. Over time, the princess has become a problem which demanding too much. She was fighting for the rights of the Indians to the end. King James, he made another problem, which he did not know how to withdraw. Powhatan got the tittle of the prince, the Indians saw it as a sign that they would be treated equally. James thought it was only a title. This fact supposedly did not like the court, people whispered about his lie. Rebecca Rolfe died before her return to America, for blackpox or poison. To poison , may inadvertently contribute John Smith himself, who wrote many letters to the Queen Anna , about the princess and her position in New Lands.''Love is a gift to us and Christianity might turn to ... scorn and fury', and England could lose the chance to rightly have a Kingdom. by means of her'' - he wrote.This letter could also  contributed to the death of the princess.


Matoaka did not return to America, she was buried at the church in Gravesend. Her husband never returned to England. A statue of a princess by a church, is a copy of a monument from Jamestown. In 2006, the place of her rest for the first time visited the Native Americans, who celebrated their ceremony. Her descanant still alive. John Rolfe sworn after her death that : he would never return to England again. He kept his word.
International site about place : http://www.visitgravesend.co.uk/

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