środa, 25 października 2017

II World War forgotten shoah memorials in Greater Poland. Konin (monument 1st)




The II World War in Greater Poland, for the jewish people did not run, as in other polish regions. We will not find here famous german monuments, as in the vicinity of Krakow. There were too many Jews here and to many forests. Konin and Koło were the worse exemples, especialy Konin, but nearby Koło we found as well many terrific symbols.  Nazis transformed the entire city into camps. Quiet , calm forests ''whose by silence, will suppress every shout''.During the war a railway line connecting Berlin and Warsaw ( in direct line) was created by using jewish hands.The romantic railway route through the meadows and forests has own scared secret.
After the rebellion of the Jews in the camp, people were deported. Where? In place which was best to get rid of them,at last they weren't even human creature, worser than animals. 
 They were shot in the surrounding forests. Not hundreds but thousands or even hundreds of thousands.This was  a procedure which today, in certain circles, is not allowed to speak, but it is necessary to speak. Nearly the town of Konin, the monument in forest  speaks about 1500 murded people. And this is the smallest number of  killed in these areas. Not only Jews but also Poles came here, but those in a smaller number of convicts  mostly for help. Old foreman  tell his story.
 ''The SS guards, came into the forester's house at three o'clock in the morning and put a gun to his head. One of them told...You will not say anything about it, you didn't see nothing 1,500 people, including women and children, were brought to the forest and they were told to dig down, a big whole in ground and then nazi soldiers shoot them down and throw them down.One young man survive because he pretended to be a corpse. No more such an ideology and such a war, he says. But I'm worried that now people again love that ideology. When they gone. I went there. I helped that man scramble out under corpses. Where he gone? Did he survive?'' He began to cried.
Describing the massacred heads of small children,they were several years old.''They did not even bury them good. ''added. Unfortnetly he died , so he can't educated people longer.'He told at the end:
' For what? It was not even meat for them.''

It is an image of faith and the idea that one nation can be better than another. It is an image of the fact that some people consider themselves better races than others. It's not too many years. Yet many people still believe in these ideas. What's worse are those who used to be on the other side. Maybe they should go to such places or listen a story of old people who will leave us soon and gone to a better world, the natural force of things. Who will teach then them?
Places like that never should be forget. Beautiful , calm , quiet forests , isn't it....
In that region you will find thousands place like that. Forgotten probably the most important symbols of that ideology which now back to life.

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