niedziela, 17 września 2017

Paris Ile de la Cite - where Jaques d'Molay -last Grand Master of Templar- died

Jaques d'Molay the last Grand Master of templars, a bout this man world created a lot of legends. One of the most famous is these  in which the Last Grand Master of the order, took treasures of the Temple of Solomon from Jerusalem to France.It was supposed to be a powerful, incredibly rich treasure. With time, the legends became: Ark of Covenant, Holy Grail, Solomon's Ring, thanks to which he talked with demons and they fulfilled his wishes. The more distant the times were, the more legends were created. On the beginning it was only a wain filled with gold. This myth was a reason of the fall of the templars.
Philip king of France, bakrupt , endured a great loan from the Grand Master Jacques de Molay, which he could not repay.
This is the time when soon will be two popes, including one in Avignon, that man was totaly doll in the hand of  the king of France, but he still carried the word ''pope'', so his word should be counted.

It was a total mess, because if something was not approved by the Vatican, it was going to Avignon. If Avignon did not approve, he was sent to the Vatican. Who will take a smaller bribe, who will give more.For repayment  the loan,king and pope began the persecution of the Jews, thanks to which part of the wealth was taken over to pay off the debt.Like a curse, not only the Templars demand repayment, others also, and the king was in debt everywhere.No one want give more money, his life was to expensive, he was as well compulsive gamblers.

The Pope initially does not want to agree, durning speak at last one knight beat him, at last he decided to declare the Order as '' heretics''. Problem of repayment gone. Machine moved and Jaques d'Molay was burned... As he predicted by burning at the stake, a year later the king and pope died  as well.The question remains whether someone helped them or not. After death of pope Bonifatius VIII, his successor decided to move to Avignon.
This is the last work of king Philip, which he did not enjoy for by long time. France finally has a pope only for ''himself''. He liquidated the hated order and no longer has to pay the debt, but in the same moment started the machine, which bring total mess in the church.
The Parisian island of Ile de la Cite, a statue of Henry IV. We descent down the stairs to the marina its here , just need to turn around. The stones board says: 

''Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Temple Order, was burned at the stake on March 18, 1314.''

When Napoleon Bonaparte enters the throne, he sends papers to the Vatican to prove the Templars innocence and re-open the trial.The papers were in Vatican untouched hundred years until the moment when on papal throne joined John Paul II, the polish pope, a great philosopher, an artist fascinated by the Grail Stories, it was the last case that the Pope dealt with. In 2007, the trial was analyzed. By order of pope Benedict XVI the order was acquitted. Jacques d'Molay became innocent.
There is no reason to doubt it. The Vatican has its own secret service and archaeologists, appointed specifically to study these matters.

Forgotten place, no ...In the evening people come here to light candles and leave flowers.Every year, on the anniversary of death, there are crowds of strange whispering people. This is the place of pilgrimage of all the associations that refer to the traditions of the Templars. Jaques d'Molay , thanks king, in fact became immortal.

Walking place , has own secrets

czwartek, 14 września 2017

Old Jewish cemetery , the mysterious place of art and life , Wroclaw (Poland)

Wroclaw is one of the most beautiful Polish cities. At least if we speak about the historic center.
In some places, you can still feel the period of war. It is not surprising that Americans shoot films here, located during World War II. Tom Hanks likes the city; he made the Bridge of Spies here.
There is one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Wroclaw. Beautiful cemetery with historic monuments, compared to the famous Warsaw Powązki cemetery. The Jewish Cemetery of Wroclaw is the resting place of many famous people. All Jewish cemeteries in Poland are closed. Reasons don't need to be said. This is the only Jewish cemetery  available for sightseeing for a fee, perhaps thanks to monitoring. However, this did not protect the walls of the cemetery from devastation, although it can be said that it's honorable. It was supposed to be Nazi, but the writer did not know the subject, especially the origin of his prophet, when he wrote: 'Jesus won'.

Jewish and Muslim cemeteries are not visited as often as Christian ones. They are the real resting place where nature does own thing. Tombs are absorbed by nature. You can actually understand the meaning of life here. Once overgrown with bushes and creeping, gravestones, can be the inspiration for many interesting photos. During World War II, the Nazis shot Jews here. It was the most simple method, and the body immediately stayed at the cemetery. At that time, Wroclaw was a German city. In fact, it was, for most of its history, a German city. Founded by the Polish king Boleslaus Chrobry, then lost, it returned to Poland after the Second World War. Wrocław is the famous Festung Breslau, associated with the mysterious Riese Project. If you like the atmosphere of ''gothic novels'', this place is perfect to feel the atmosphere.

International site about place :any 



poniedziałek, 11 września 2017

Poland: orginal gothic castle that has never been destroyed - Oporów

Oporow is located 15 km from Kutno ( 60 km from Łódź) in a terrain hardly covered with forests, muds, and swamps. A small castle belonged to the Oporowski family, one of the more influential families of the Jagiellonian court. The castle is located on a specially created island surrounded by a moat.
The uniqueness of that place does not come from the fact that it is located in a deserted village, but from the fact that unlike most medieval buildings, it has never been destroyed. It's the only medieval castle in Poland that has never been destroyed.

This small castle is considered the pearl of a medieval mansion in Poland. It can not be equated with royal castles, perhaps, but is even considered to be better. Reason: all were destroyed during the war. The foundations were mainly left; all were restored after the war and changed by the centuries. Here, nothing has changed.

The interior is original Gothic in every detail of the building. We have original walls, wooden passages, beautifully decorated ceilings, and a still-working castle moat. The only one in Poland. The castle is surrounded by a beautiful, well-kept park and ponds. Fish were raised in the ponds, which the family sold and maintained from this trade. Collections are also amazing, mostly of furniture. We can also see here a beautiful, unique copy of the Cesare Borgia painting.  
In the building, there are very nice, helpful peopleBrochures about castles are available in other languages. It's a well-organized place, but it is  forgotten , perhaps due to its distance from the main roads. Excellent place to relax and enjoy. In the outbuilding, there are apartments for rent for conferences. Unfortunately, you should take food,  the closest restaurant is in Kutno. Maybe one day this place will be more popular.
International page about place: (any) just in polish


niedziela, 10 września 2017

Poland : St Stanislaus' s church in Kramsk - the church like from Christmas tales

The village of Kramsk, not far from Konin, isn't probably an interesting place to live. However, it is interesting thanks to a beautiful neobaroque church. The sacred building has existed in the town since the Middle Ages, but it was constructed of wood.The church is built on the plan of the Latin cross and is decorated with beautifully painted murals. We will also find well-made copies of such famous paintings as ''the Last Supper'' by Leonardo da Vinci and Rubens's ''Descent from the Cross'' .The most valuable are the historic stairs leading to the choir. The church is surrounded by a cemetery, where you can also find historic tombstones. The new building was built in 1844, and some of the missing money for construction was even given by the Jewish community—amazing cooperation that isn't possible nowadays.
The church itself is considered as one of the most valuable in the diocese. It's also one of the first churches in the Konin region. The author of the paintings is Antoni Szulczyński, a painter who moved towards the wheelchair at the end of his life. He was very valued during his life; he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, and then he studied in Vienna, Rome, Munich, and Vilnius.The building's effect is enhanced by its location on a hill with stairs,thanks to which it is sometimes compared to the Roman Trinita dei Monti.


Poland : The Basilica of Our Lady in Licheń

Lichen Sanctuary is certainly not a monument, but it is interesting for the basilique that is here. Bulding is new, and the sense of style inside can be discussed for a long time. But still, it is an interesting place on the list. 
In 1999, the place visited John Paul II, and the apartments where he lived today can be visited as a museumThere is also an interesting museum of Christian history, in which there are several old collections of incunabula, as well as many things that relate to Polish history and a lot of things from the Osman Empire, like swords, helmets, saddles, or famous bouquets gained during numerous Polish-Turkish conflicts.
People from this region are far away from any more well-known museums, so this place is needed, even for children from nearby villages who could learn more about history. The signatures of the things presented here are very good. It also tells briefly historical events from the time of the shown monument. Its shape refers to the Basilica of Saint Peter's in the Vatican and St. Paul's in London. For a long time, it was the highest of them, although smaller. The doubling of the dome that was used here is still an engineering achievement. 
In the basilica, there is the chapel of John Paul II and his relics, as well as the throne on which he sat during a meeting with the believer.  A beautiful painting is the image of the face of Christ from the Holy Shroud.The great organization of that place—restaurants, cafeterias, and even rooms for guests—is an added advantage of that place, like a beautiful garden.

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sobota, 9 września 2017

Poland:Last wooden windmills in Koszuty


On the route between Rogalin and Środa Wielkopolska, there is Koszuty. In the open field , next to abandoned hostel, there are still pre-war windmills.
There are not many places in Europe where you can see such things, so it is worth staying here for a while. Soon, buildings may disappear. It's one of the last such places where you can feel at once how people lived in the country before the war. Soon, buildings may disappear. It's one of the last places like that where you can feel how people lived before the war. One of the windmills still has airscrews.
An old hostel and windmills could be a great tourist destination, a great place for weeding, or a conference center because they are nearby the often-frequented road. Unfortunately, no one got this idea and won't get it. This is a problem for countries of the old Eastern Bloc, they can not use tourism but rather treat tourists as enemies. Just Russian and Czech maybe. Thanks for being proud, knowing how to do it, and showing their countries on the best site. It is sad because there are no wooden windmills in the world.
International site about place : any


Poland : President Edward Raczyński's residence in Rogalin


Rogalin is a place associated primarily with the Raczyński family. The most famous representative of the family is undoubtedly Edward Raczyński: polish pesident in exile.He was a well-known political activist not only for Poland, but also in the world. One of the last most talented politicians of that country.The magnificent palace estate is surrounded by a landscaped park, which is a nature reserve of old oaks. The oldest oaks in Greater Poland are here:Lech, Czech and Rus. Oaks have names after the legendary founders of the three Slavic nations and countries: Poland, Bohemia (Tschech) and Russia. In legends they were brothers. Trees have been brought here from all over the world.


To this day, each of the Presidents of Poland, plant here his tree. We should also visit
lovely neoclassical chapel. It is a replica of the roman temple which is located in Nimes. From that place the view axis of the whole assumption begins. A place is very interesting but vistors can ''meet '' problems...
Rogalin is a beautiful palace with park complex, although sometimes it feels like a tourist is not welcome here. First and foremost there's a problem with the organization of purchasing individual tickets. It can not be bought online early and the number of people who can come inside is limited. Finaly most often, when we arrive at the place we will hear that we are not going there. When it comes to the fact that the palace is open just in the summer very short time, unfortunetly it is more than certain. This thing really could work better. The situation rescue  views, and a very good restaurant on the other side of  road to the palace.
Edward Raczynski's oak


Oaks Lech, Czech , Rus

piątek, 8 września 2017

Nuremberg - burial place of Albrecht Durer and Veit Stoss, Johannisfriedhof


Nuremberg is a beautiful old medieval town, where we will not find traces of postwar destruction. This is the city of Durer, and his existence here is highlighted everywhere. Finally, this comes after Prague, the second imperial residence of famous emperor Karl IV, who is best known for his quest for alchemical gold.This city also has one monument that people rarely visit. It is:
- Johannisfriedhof - Old St. John's Cemetery.


 It is one of the oldest cemeteries in the world. The first is in South America, the second is in Paris, and the third is the Johannisfriedhof in Nuremberg. It's a very old cemetery that dates back to medieval times, although burials were done here much earlier. Adam Kraft was buried here, as were two other world-famous cultural artists: Albrecht Dürer and Veit Stoss (who, contrary to popular opinion, was not a Pole but German )Tombstones never changed their style for centuries and are matched to the style of the first gravestones. The cemetery, which was founded around the 13th century, is used today as well . Only noble people of the city, such as artists, politicians, and noblemen, can be buried there.
People visit this place, especially for Durer and Stoss. Two artists who changed the face of art. One introduced the world to a renaissance. The other, with his contorted sculptures, inspired future mannerisms. The climate of this cemetery, however, is unique not only because of them, but in itself.

Albrecht Durer's grave*

*Albrecht Durer, if not for that man  and his rabbit, the people in the paintings to this day would be disproportionate, After studying and painting his rabbit, he began to reproduce the proportions of the body in the image as they are in reality. He discovered a novelty in art while traveling to Italy and wondered how it was accomplished. It was he who transferred this knowledge to other parts of Europe.
Veit Stoss's grave



** Veit Stoss - builder of famous wooden altars ex. Krakow , Nuremberg, Bamberg , Florence(destroyed, exist just Nuremberg and Krakow, Bamberg in part) . Giorgio Vasari called his art:
 '' miracle in wood''. Known as the precursor of baroque sculpture called '' late gothic -baroque''.In fact his contorted sculptures inspired future mannerism to baroque still was long way but it was the begining.

International site about place : any

Veit Stoss' s grave **

czwartek, 7 września 2017

Prague the oldest bulding in the city, Rotunda svatého Kříže Menšího ,Rotunda of the Holy Cross aka Cyril and Methodius orthodox church

The earliest christian buildings in Europe we won't find many at the map, that's why for historician each is very important. Not many early christians buildings are rotunda in unchanged style of architecture. Rotunda of the Holy Cross is one of them, located on the quiet Konviktska street, among the apartments that can be place of rest for tourists, away from the hustle and bustle of the center is a forgotten monument.A small, simple structure with a glass dome with a lantern.This is a typical early christian building style , which existed before the romanesque style of architecture. The closest to the byzantine style of architecture.

Legends says that church is standing on the place where was a lake. On that pond where crucified girl who changed religion at Christianity against the will of her parents. For that she was killed. , as the sign of God, in the night storm ,the cross appeared, which towered over the pond. True or not in legend like always is little history. Durning the renovation of the rothunda, builder really found the cross. The first mention of the building comes from 1365 r, but the building has architectural features much older.Today its a orthodox church of Cyril and Methodius of Russian Orthodox church - Old Believers. This is a variation of Russian Orthodoxy, which can be compared to the Amish, they also live according to certain unchanged principles.

International site about place : any

środa, 6 września 2017

Poland: palace of writer Henry Sienkiewicz in Oblęgorek, and the oldest european mountains Świętokrzyskie



Swietokrzyskie is one of the most beautiful regions of Poland, mostlyforgotten and unknown by foreigners tourist. It's sad, because here is one of the most amazing monuments that you will never see in another part of Poland. You can find something interesting in every corner. The oldest mountains in the world covered many interesting places: Sandomierz, Kazimierz Dolny, St. Anne's Mountain, and the natural Kielce-Kadzielnia (it's an amphitheater built on an existing valley with a cave entrance).
 Łysica (aka. Mountain of St. Catherine) was an ancient pagan temple; today there is a monastery. The shape of the mountain is similar to that of the American badlands; it is the highest mountain in Swietorzyskie, or Łysa Góra (aka Holy Cross, where witches are said to meet each year), and it is surrounded by beautiful palaces and monasteries. It was the only place in Poland where the Reformation was developing. Millions of years ago, there was the sea, and dinosaur footprints can be found to this day.

There are numerous palaces and historical figures' residences.

One of such places is Oblęgorek (near Kielce). 
It's the home of Henry Sienkiewicz, Poland's most famous writer and traveler. Although his historical novels occasionally blur historical truth, they remain popular even today. 
These books are read nicely. The most well-known is "Quo Vadis," for which the author received the Nobel Prize. It has many film adaptations as well as international ones. The most famous is still Klaus Maria Brandauer. 
The building at the time of its creation was considered very ugly because of the mixing of styles and finishing of the interior with used furniture purchased at a yard sale. Architectural styles could undoubtedly be debated over time. "This mascaron," as it was known, was one of my favourite writers' residences. Nowadays, it is a museum of writers. Palace was given to him on his writing anniversary. During his travels in America, he met people like Sitting Bull, about whom he wrote a short novel.

Old ash in Oblęgorek garden
Henryk Sienkiewcz liked this place very much; he wanted to stay here permanently. Here he lived until he emigrated to Switzerland. A novel, "In the Desert and in the Wilderness," has been created here. The book is about the rebellion of the Great Mahdi in Sudan. There are furniture, souvenirs, and manuscripts of books; old ashes in the garden add beautiful charm to that place. His great-grandson is a well-known politician today.

Oak Bartek - details .On the tree, also slowly grow other trees

A few kilometres further from Kielce and Oblęgorek is Bartków. We can find here one of the oldest trees in Poland, the Bartek oakThe old tree remembers most of the events in the history of the country since the beginning of its existence. Bartek is mostly already supported by a special metal structure that prevents the trees from falling over and is concrete-sealed in sensitive areas. Nevertheless, the tree sheds its leaves every year, and even recently, it has sprouted younger branches. Not so long ago, Bartek decided to give life to a new oak—in his boughs, of course.

 International site about place (Oblęgorek) :

Bartek - details
Bartek - iron construction details