niedziela, 3 września 2017

Poland, Nieborów near Warsaw the baroque pearl of private residence in Poland, family Radziwiłł's palace


Nieborów, a small village near Warsaw with a palace, is on the way from the capital to Łowicz.It is a pearl of baroque architecture in Poland.The Radziwi family, one of the most powerful families in the country, owned it for many years.
In this part of the palace, there are separate guest rooms for the Creative Work Center. It's a hotel for
scientists, artists, and writers. The place was visited by Stanislaw August Poniatowski, the last king of Poland, Friedrich Wilhelm II; Christina of Sweden; Napoleon Bonaparte; and tsar Alexander I. Polish presidents continue to invite the heads of foreign countries here. The standard of finishing the blame can be compared only with the Łańcut residence. They are the only typically baroque residences in Poland. At the time, this country developed its own  architectural style, which was definitely colder and less ornamental.




The staircase, which is completely decorated with azulejos, famous Spanish ceramic tiles presenting small paintings often describing legends or famous stories, makes the biggest impression on visitors. Second place is the Red Salon, where on the main wall is a portrait of Anna Orzelska, the illegitimate daughter of Augustus II Strong (Friedrich August in Saxony), king of Poland and lord of Saxony. She was the only illegitimate child of this mighty ruler whom he recognized. According to legend, he had over 300 of children. The beautiful library has 10,000 volumes and has been used as a film set for series and movies such as Don Matteo in Poland. In the UK known as Father Brown.

It was Orzelska who destroyed Frederick the Great, who never fell in love again after discovering that the woman he wanted to drop everything for was his father's loyal spy. Apparently, her spirit is walking around Nieborów with some man. Like all the women that Pesne painted.

.The globes which are located here came from Versailles. There's also one of the biggest colection of english furniture in Poland. Portraits was painted by the court painter of MariAntoinette - famous Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun.Another famous inhabitant of the castle was Helena Radziwiłł, who created Arcadia. However, she was never buried in her unusual mausoleum.

   The most famous two sculptures are:
-the gift from  tsarina Catherine II - the head of Niobe. That sculpture became an inspiration for a few  polish writers, like Gałczyński.
- Statue of Acidia Kapitolina, Mark Vinicius' wife, who inspired the character in Henry Sienkiewicz's book Quo Vadis, Wroten; the author was awarded the Nobel Prize for that book, and it has been adapted into numerous films, including foreign ones.It's still his best-known book.


Near Nieborow there is Arcadia, a huge neo-classical  park in English sentimental style, with pseudo-romantic ruins, arbors, pavilions, and a very large place where it is possible to rest.
Both places are closed in the winter. On the opposite side of the palace is a very good restaurant, where Napoleon Bonaparte once dined.We can taste a lot of good dishes here. This place is really interesting.

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