czwartek, 14 września 2017

Old Jewish cemetery , the mysterious place of art and life , Wroclaw (Poland)

Wroclaw is one of the most beautiful Polish cities. At least if we speak about the historic center.
In some places, you can still feel the period of war. It is not surprising that Americans shoot films here, located during World War II. Tom Hanks likes the city; he made the Bridge of Spies here.
There is one of the oldest Jewish cemeteries in Wroclaw. Beautiful cemetery with historic monuments, compared to the famous Warsaw Powązki cemetery. The Jewish Cemetery of Wroclaw is the resting place of many famous people. All Jewish cemeteries in Poland are closed. Reasons don't need to be said. This is the only Jewish cemetery  available for sightseeing for a fee, perhaps thanks to monitoring. However, this did not protect the walls of the cemetery from devastation, although it can be said that it's honorable. It was supposed to be Nazi, but the writer did not know the subject, especially the origin of his prophet, when he wrote: 'Jesus won'.

Jewish and Muslim cemeteries are not visited as often as Christian ones. They are the real resting place where nature does own thing. Tombs are absorbed by nature. You can actually understand the meaning of life here. Once overgrown with bushes and creeping, gravestones, can be the inspiration for many interesting photos. During World War II, the Nazis shot Jews here. It was the most simple method, and the body immediately stayed at the cemetery. At that time, Wroclaw was a German city. In fact, it was, for most of its history, a German city. Founded by the Polish king Boleslaus Chrobry, then lost, it returned to Poland after the Second World War. Wrocław is the famous Festung Breslau, associated with the mysterious Riese Project. If you like the atmosphere of ''gothic novels'', this place is perfect to feel the atmosphere.

International site about place :any 



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