sobota, 9 września 2017

Poland:Last wooden windmills in Koszuty


On the route between Rogalin and Środa Wielkopolska, there is Koszuty. In the open field , next to abandoned hostel, there are still pre-war windmills.
There are not many places in Europe where you can see such things, so it is worth staying here for a while. Soon, buildings may disappear. It's one of the last such places where you can feel at once how people lived in the country before the war. Soon, buildings may disappear. It's one of the last places like that where you can feel how people lived before the war. One of the windmills still has airscrews.
An old hostel and windmills could be a great tourist destination, a great place for weeding, or a conference center because they are nearby the often-frequented road. Unfortunately, no one got this idea and won't get it. This is a problem for countries of the old Eastern Bloc, they can not use tourism but rather treat tourists as enemies. Just Russian and Czech maybe. Thanks for being proud, knowing how to do it, and showing their countries on the best site. It is sad because there are no wooden windmills in the world.
International site about place : any


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