poniedziałek, 4 września 2017

''Polish wife'' of Napoleon Bonaparte- Marie Walewska d'Ornano grave and manor house , Kiernozia (Poland)






Marie Łączyńska-Walewska il II voto d'Ornano, this character is well known to anyone who has heard of  Napoleon Bonaparte and needn't to be introduce. Especially in Poland, Austria, or France, where his myth is still alive.
Marie Walewska, also known as Napoleon's Polish wife, was undoubtedly one of the most faithful women in his life and also the mother of his first son. Despite the fact that the Walewski and d'Ornano families have never boasted about the affair, the character continues to pique people's interest.
She was the only woman who visited Napoleon during his exile, just before his death.

To add to the history of the little spice, the daughter of Antonio Colonna Walewski ( Napoleon I Bonaparte's first son), was probably Napoleon III's child. The countess's marriage to Philip d'Ornano was brief but blissful.It was a marriage that was really made of love, which happened rarely in those times.

Today, the Ornano family owns one of the most expensive cosmetic companies, and one of the most popular polish cosmetics bears the name of the countess. 



 Few people realize that, while Countess Łączyńska was associated with Walewice, her grave and home, which Napoleons visited, are actually in a different location.It is a tiny village called Kiernozia, not far from Łowicz. This is the place where she was born.

We will find two forgotten monuments here. Unfortunately, we don't visit the house where Marie Walewski was born. Today, the manor house is privately converted into a wedding house and restaurant for weddings. It remains to enjoy the beautiful surrounding garden.Apparently, recently it has been a meeting house for the commune.
Kiernozia was once visited by Nicolaus Copernicus himself on a journey with his uncle Lucas Watzenrode, bishop of Warmia. Unfortunately, Copernicus had a pen fall into the well. The astronomer looked into the depths where the stars were reflected, and at that moment a revolutionary thought would occur to him: that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not vice versa. This is, of course, a legend like many about the legendary economist, lawyer, doctor and astronomer. Contrary to what can be heard on the street nowadays, he did not write poems.


In the local church there is the crypts of the Łączyński family, here is grave of Maria Walewska, the famous lover of the Napoleon Bonaparte. Wife of several years older Anastasios Walewski, protege of Fryderyk Chopin father . The second wife of general Philip d'Ornano was loved by him very much and sincerely, as evidenced by the fact that the general had escorted her body secretly to Poland so that she could rest in her native land after many wandering.  Her heart was buried with her husband in a grave at Pere Lachaise (Paris). The local priest doesn't have much money for  renovations, but we have to say that the crypt is well maintained, there's a paint of Marie Walewska and flowers also.Walewska had life which she could give to many people, she lived just 31 years. Died after born son to Philip d'Ornano.  



The crypts of the Łączyński family can be found in the local church, as well as the grave of Marie Walewska, Napoleon Bonaparte's famous lover. Wife of several years older - Anastasios Walewski. Anastasios Walewski  was a protege of Fryderyk Chopin's father . Contrary to legend, the pianist did not meet Marie.General Philip d'Ornano's  loved her deeply and sincerely, as evidenced by the fact that the general secretly escorted her body to Poland so that she could rest in her native land after many wanderings. Her heart was buried with her husband in a grave at Pere Lachaise (Paris). The local priest doesn't have much money for  renovations, but we have to say that the crypt is well maintained, there's a painting of Marie Walewska and flowers, too. Walewski had a life that she could give to many people, she lived just 31 years. Philip d'Ornano's son died shortly after birth. No one knew she had kidney disease and she shouldn't be pregnant for the third time.
The repayment of the family's debts by Anastasios and Napoleon did little. The deceased's brother, a gambler, again incurred debts and lost his fortune. Since that moment Kiernozia hasn't had a good luck. 



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